Migrate Your PBX to the Cloud - At Your Pace.
Historically, the only option was to rip-and-replace your current telecom infrastructure, which can be costly and disruptive. SmartChoice has a better way...
Migrate Your PBX to the Cloud - At Your Pace
Historically, the only option was to rip-and-replace your current telecom infrastructure, which can be costly and disruptive. SmartChoice has a better way...
Minimize Business Disruption with a Phased Approach
Each phase of decommissioning your PBX system is designed to provide increased levels of functionality, while ensuring
your operational continuity. Together with you and our partners, we manage the change process at your pace.
Phase 1
Simple connectivity changes with
minimal disruption. We help you swap
your traditional phone lines with SmartChoice
SIP trunks, EPRI or EPOTS.
Phase 2
Gradual rollout of cloud communications
functionalities. This allows you to adopt new
features at your own pace and according
to your specific needs and preferences.
Phase 3
A more comprehensive integration and
adoption of cloud communication services
and phasing out of old systems, including the
potential removal of physical hardware.