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Smart Tile: Proactive Network Monitoring

Smart Tile safeguards your business by making sure networks and technology stay connected during network outages and technology failures. Every year, companies lose billions of dollars in potential revenue due to network outages and technology failures. In an unpredictable world, outages can occur for any number of reasons including:

  • Weather Conditions
  • Construction
  • Power Failures
  • Equipment Damage
  • Planned Maintenance
  • Human Error

SmartChoice’s award winning Smart Tile is the proactive guardian and watchful eye of your IoT. Developed to provide companies a full view of their business via “One Pane of Glass,” Smart Tile is an interactive dashboard for analytics and monitoring of your:

  • Voice
  • Internet and Data
  • Card Access
  • People Counters
  • Host and Server Status
  • Call Volume and History
  • Hosted Voice Portal Records
  • Video Surveillance
  • Bandwidth Monitoring
  • Network Security
  • Call Volume and History
  • Alarm Activation Reports
  • Additional IoT Devices

SmartChoice’s Network Operations Center engineers watch over your network 24 x 7 x 365 to monitor performance and notifies you immediately when potential issues and threats are detected. Networks and devices are pinged minute by minute, ensuring any signs of strain, intrusions or breaches are identified. Smart Tile intelligently supports industries around the globe, through improved IT infrastructure monitoring, data collection and analytic solutions, while enhancing the productivity and performance of your business.

With the increased dependency on network uptime, it is important for businesses to have back-up plans and protocols in place in the event something should happen. Network outages, although temporary, can cause significant damage to your company’s incoming revenue, reputation and overall morale. With your business’ future in mind, how can you ensure your network is always safeguarded? The answer is Smart Tile: The Watchful Eye of Your IoT.

Smart Tile’s single pane of glass view and proactive monitoring allows you to keep a close eye on your network. Your networks and devices are pinged minute-by-minute, ensuring any signs of threats, intrusions or breaches are detected and taken care of right away. Unlike most providers, Smart Tile monitors your network devices as well, ensuring they are always online and functioning efficiently.

In the event of a network outage, Smart Tile’s redundant protocol automatically routes your network to backup failover–giving you continued access to your voice, data and internet networks. With Smart Tile, your business does not have to be put on hold in the event of an emergency caused by something you cannot control. Smart Tile puts the control back in your hands and gives you and your customers peace of mind that business will continue as usual, no matter what.

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