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February FOTM – People Counters

February’s Feature of the Month:

People Counter

Analytics are a vital component to any business looking to improve efficiency, increase profits, and get more customers. Companies who experience traffic within a physical space could benefit greatly by analyzing their customer traffic to identify trends and get a bigger view of their business. How can businesses access this data? The answer is People Counters.


In short, People Counters are mounted electronic systems that count the people who walk into your space. These spaces can include retail stores, malls, libraries, banks, arenas, concert halls, and many more. By identifying the traffic, you can get a greater look into how many people are in your space at one time. With enough data, you can start to identify the peak times for customer traffic, based on time periods such as hours, days, months and years. These analytics are extremely helpful to businesses who are looking to increase conversion rates and profits.


By determining the best traffic times, businesses can setup their marketing to draw in more sales during peak times. They can offer sales, promotions, and special deals based on lower traffic times as well, to bring those numbers up. People Counters also help with scheduling your employees. During high traffic periods, you may want to have more employees on staff to help with traffic, and vice versa for lower traffic times. Every business is different, but having the analytics on hand certainly gives more insight into making the best decisions.


Identify Conversion Rates – Compare your customer traffic with sales figures to determine the average sales for any given period.
Better Employee Scheduling – Use traffic analytics to ensure the right number of workers are scheduled at any given time.
Improve Marketing and Advertising – Use analytics to determine whether your advertising efforts are leading to more traffic or if they need to be altered to target a different market or demographic.